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Help with connecting to Eduroam Wifi

If you are having trouble setting up or connecting to Eduroam wifi please refer to the following guides.

Please open your device settings by tapping on the settings icon.

Navigate to the connections/Wi-Fi section.

Tap on the network “GU Guest” to temporarily connect to Wi-Fi.

Once connected, it will either prompt or open a new sign-in page.

Click on “Register” and enter your mobile number or e-mail address, you will then be sent a notification with a code to verify. Once the code has been inputted you will be connected.
screenshot of GU Guest wifi signin screen

You will need to go to the Google Play Store, download and install an app called “Geteduroam”.
qr code for google play store
If you have an older Android device (Android version 7 or older), you will need to download the legacy app, 'eduroam CAT'.

Once you have the Eduroam app installed, open it and click on the search bar at the top of the screen and type in 'Glyndwr', and the list should filter so you can click on 'Glyndwr University'.
Read the terms of use and click 'Agree'.
screenshot of mobile phone

Enter your student email address in the username field (e.g. S24001234@mail.glyndwr.ac.uk), and your password. Then click 'Log in'.
You will be prompted to save the network connection to your phone, click 'Save'.
screenshot of a mobile phone

Note: Make sure you forget GU Guest after connecting to Eduroam.

Note: If you have previously connected to eduroam, please “Forget” these networks by tapping on the ⓘ icon and selecting: “Forget This Network”

From your home screen, open your device's Settings app by tapping on the settings icon.
settings icon

From the settings menu, tap Wi-Fi and select “Eduroam” as the Wi-Fi Network.
screenshot of mobile screen

You will now need to enter your student e-mail address and password.
Please type your student ID number followed by @mail.glyndwr.ac.uk
Tap “Join” to connect to eduroam

To connect to Eduroam wifi on a Chromebook you need to download the Eduroam Installer.
qr code for eduroroam installer

Click the download button and a popup will appear. Type in 'Glyndwr' to filter the list for the correct installer.
screenshot eduroam website

Once you have selected the Glyndwr profile, download the eduroam installer. The installer will take a few seconds to download, it will install in the background.
screenshot eduroam website

Open your Google web browser and type in: Chrome://net-internals/#chromeos
Select the Chrome OS option on the right had column. Scroll down to the bottom of the webpage and find “Import ONC File”.
Click on “Choose file” and select the Eduroam Installer (Glyndwr-eduroam) from your downloads folder.
screenshot of desktop

Once you have installed the certificate, click on the eduroam network again on the bottom right-hand side of the task bar.
A new menu will appear, scroll down to the selection Identify and password. Enter your student ID followed by @mail.glyndwr.ac.uk in the identify field and your password.
screenshot of desktop

Note: Make sure you forget GU Guest after connecting to Eduroam.

Please open your device settings by tapping on the settings icon.

Navigate to the connections/Wi-Fi section.

Tap on the network “GU Guest” to temporarily connect to Wi-Fi.

Once connected, it will either prompt or open a new sign-in page.

Click on “Register” and enter your mobile number or e-mail address, you will then be sent a notification with a code to verify. Once the code has been inputted you will be connected.
screenshot of GU Guest wifi signin screen

Note:GU Guest wifi provides temporary wifi access.

The above guides are also available to download as a pdf.

Android devices

iOS & Apple devices


GU Guest Wi-Fi


Helpful Tips

If your password has expired, or you have reset it, you will need to connect to eduroam again with your new credientials.

For further help, you can create a ticket via the INFORM service desk or visit the tech zone on the ground floor of the Library on our Wrexham Plas Coch campus.